God is the madwoman in the attic.
I'm camped out on the threshold with my journal, camera, and plenty of snacks.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

June moon

Tonight is the full moon. When TerraLuna Community was meeting, the small monthly gatherings were my favorites. Tonight I will do something by myself to recognize this time. Light a candle. Sit in the quiet. Recognize some truth (everything is revealed in the light of the full moon). Offer gratitude.

The dreamboard group over at Starshyne creates their boards and posts them for viewing at the full moon. I've made collages in this spirit off & on over the years so it feels like coming home to renew the practice.

My board for this month continues the theme of trinity. Here as body, mind & spirit. (back to my current fave word perichoresis) These three aspects of my life are dancing around together. Dynamism. Perfection as-is. Stretching in two directions - rooting into the divine, blooming into my daily life. Spiraling as I shuttle back & forth between the two.


Barbara/myth maker said...

Your board is full of grace and beauty. I love the doll figure on it. Sweet dreams.

Janet said...

lovely! and i learned a new word too!

what you wish for, i wish for you also.

Jamie said...

There's a deep power in this dreamboard. I immediately get a sense of you as rooted, physical, strong.

It's so interesting to see the spirals on your board - we had spirals show up in many people's dreamboards in our Toronto circle today. Fascinating!

I was so moved by the comment you left, Jenni. Would you mind if I used it as a way of explaining what dreamboards are? I'd be happy to link back to your blog.

May all of your dreams come true.

Jeanette said...

I do hope you post about June Moon events! Share if you want to do that!

Genie Sea said...

It's so lovely to become reacquainted with practices and ritueals that has brought us joy! May your body, mind and spirit work together in unison to bring you peace, fulfillment and joy! :)

Mjfontaine said...

This board shows vision, focus and community to me. Very beautiful.

Tabitha the KnittingJourneyman said...

Your blog is terrific. I love learning new words too.
Your dreamboard is such an inspiration.