God is the madwoman in the attic.
I'm camped out on the threshold with my journal, camera, and plenty of snacks.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

radiant goddess check in (week 2)

In last Sunday's post I went through each of the healthful living areas that are addressed by the Radiant Goddess course.  This week continued much the same, including the challenges I'm having with meditation.

I'm of two minds about it.  When I meditate (or at least when I meditate well) I am more clear, calm, open, and resourceful.  But I avoid doing it because it seems like a waste of time.  Sitting still, quiet, doing nothing, maybe listening... I have stuff to do!  My uninterrupted alone time is very limited!  All the distractions and tasks chatter away in my mind convincing me not to meditate or crowding my peace of mind when I do sit still for five minutes.

I'll keep trying.  Maybe first thing in the morning isn't the best match.  I really enjoy having that little sliver of time to chat with L over coffee in bed.  Maybe the five minutes between when I get home from work and when I go to get Little N will be a better window.  A chance to bring myself home from the stresses of the office and prepare for the interests and pace of an energetic 4 year old.

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