God is the madwoman in the attic.
I'm camped out on the threshold with my journal, camera, and plenty of snacks.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

vernal equinox

My pagan friends and I celebrated Ostara on Sunday afternoon with egg decorating, ritual, and potluck.

The holiday is about the growing signs of spring, signs of light and new life, and balance - inspired by the vernal equinox - balance of light and dark, of masculine and feminine, and balance in our lives.

Our circle was surprised, interrupted and expanded when L and Little N showed up.  (They thought it was time to bring me home.)  They were welcomed warmly into the circle and joined the ritual.

I was alarmed by their arrival.  What if Little N misbehaved and disrupted everyone?  What if L judged us to be silly and irrelevant?  But my fears were misplaced.

Little N enjoyed the circle, the doggie sitting with us, the bubbling fountain in the corner, the repetition of key words.  L shared an insight into himself and this transition in his life that I may not have heard otherwise.  I let go, a little, of the control that I craved and enjoyed my family, and let my family be enjoyed by others.

L and Little N brought balance to the circle - male to female, child to adults, and disarming my own defensive posture.   We all received a good gift.  And I am grateful.

L mentioned later, "I'm glad that Little N's first experience with Easter Eggs was at a pagan ritual.  That's where they really come from."  And kiddo seems to really like them too!

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