God is the madwoman in the attic.
I'm camped out on the threshold with my journal, camera, and plenty of snacks.

Saturday, September 30, 2006


There isn't, I don't think today anyhow, a school or mentor or community that is going to meet my expectations, goals, needs for the spirituality I seek to cultivate in my life. I have to compose it myself. And I do have many strong resources at hand. I'm thinking about it as "being faithful in the small things." (A theme from the talk Caroline Myss gave at the Sacred Activism conference.) I'm returning to that phrase as I approach the minutiae of exercise, eating, studying, resumes & cover letters, staying in touch with friends, cleaning up the apartment, watering the plants, praying, opening the Bible... So far I'm doing ok with the exercise. :) The rest will follow.

You can find more information about the Sacred Activism Conference and the opening talk by Caroline Myss here https://www.wisdomuniversity.org/sacred-activism-conference.html.

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