God is the madwoman in the attic.
I'm camped out on the threshold with my journal, camera, and plenty of snacks.

Saturday, August 25, 2007


I'm trying to savor the months before the baby is born.

These are the last months of our home being just about L & me. We have quirky little dates around town together - we rode an ice cream boat around the lake with tourists, we try out eateries in our new neighborhood, and last week we found a cool little grocery store just up the hill from us. Sundays, we usually walk down to the canal to watch the boats (& I drag him through the street market so I can look at stuff).

I'm reading through my list of books - the geeky ones, the ones that have been on the bookshelf for years, and the random fiction picked up at the library right before I check out a new armful of must-be-read. I'm picking up half done projects - stitching crafts, collating annotated bibliographies on things I'm curious about, compiling an interfaith calendar, trying to figure out how to turn my so-called thesis into something interesting to anyone besides me. And I sleep.

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