God is the madwoman in the attic.
I'm camped out on the threshold with my journal, camera, and plenty of snacks.

Monday, September 03, 2007

19 weeks

I bought 3 baby items from a stall at the market. $2 each. good condition. The vendor asked me if I was buying for a particular child. I told her that we were expecting. She pointed to my belly, "In there?!" Yes. She asked how far along I am. I told her about 19 weeks. She said, "Just at the beginning."

Thank you very much but I am almost HALFWAY there which is not & is never the beginning in fact it's halfway to the opposite of the beginning which in this case will be another beginning but still I'm doing and have done A LOT of work and would like some credit PLUS if you knew me at all which you don't you would know that I am already showing this little belly bundle of joy and REALLY you should appreciate that or rather me.

But of course I didn't say any of that. I asked her about her pregnancy, visibly much farther along than mine. Then I handed her my $6 and the bitty baby clothes hangers and said I'd see her next week. (When I really will be halfway there.)

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