God is the madwoman in the attic.
I'm camped out on the threshold with my journal, camera, and plenty of snacks.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

new person

This afternoon it occurred to me that this baby will be a brand new person, with their own personality & relationships & adventures etc.

Someone new. Someone separate from me. Their brief time in my belly, which feels like a heck of a long time for me, is not even consciously remembered by them, or not for very long. And then their off to know the world.

I've been pretty caught up in the pregnancy part of it and gradually considering the caring for a new baby part but this... this is wild... this is not a thing one can really get until meeting the new person... this is completely outside of anything I can really think about for very long - except, its kind of captivating and I have to think about it. Who are we going to meet?

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