God is the madwoman in the attic.
I'm camped out on the threshold with my journal, camera, and plenty of snacks.

Sunday, April 13, 2008


I've been offered my old job back, basically, with a few changes and a raise. Plus L has been eager to return to school to get his programming skills current and seek work in that arena. His job has been killing his spirit. So, L is coming home to be a Stay at Home Dad and I'm heading out as the Family Breadwinner. (Imagine if we actually were paid in bread?)

In some ways it feels like a loss. I find myself holding Baby N more. Keeping him in my arms when he's asleep even though I could put him down and go get something done. I will miss him all the time. There will be times when returning to the job feels like the biggest mistake. This is not the dream-job and whatever that job may be it feels further away from me now. I scan Craigslist for alternatives but.... It's easier to face the devil I know. And I do have friends there.

In some ways it feels like a fresh start. I got pregnant shortly after starting this job and that shaped my experience of it. I feel somehow more independent or less vulnerable heading back to the office. There's a separateness about it that appeals to me right now (as I type this one-handed with the baby asleep against my chest) ; a shifting between independent woman and interdependent family. And I certainly have a purpose to call upon on the bad days -- I am doing this for my family.

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